Why America Failed  

Posted by Patricia Cecilia in , , , , , , ,

An excellent comment on the blog "What Does The Prayer Really Say?" (not just for Catholics):

In a hundred years time, a school boy will start a history paper with the title:

Why America Failed

His first paragraph will read:

America, the once great land, failed because they, ultimately, failed to understand their own freedom. They began the Country by believing that freedom meant being able to love God as He created them; they ended the Country believing that freedom meant being about to love themselves as they came to believe that they, themselves, were God. In the period from the beginning to the end, money rose and men fell as yet another great Culture discovered the sad truth that the love of money really is the root of all evil…

We are all operators of a printing press with the metal and paper being supplied by God and we all stamp out our own coins, be they the treasure in Heaven or the counterfeit of Mammon and Mammon comes in many forms.

If I may put this into some perspective, in a poll of historians done in the late 1990′s, when asked if the United States would still be recognizable in 100 years, the answer was overwhelmingly, no. The WASP (white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant) time is coming to an end, simply put, because they are too foolish to realize that contraception and limited family size will guarantee it for them. What they have yet to realize, even now, is that though they own the majority of wealth, once the population cascade starts, that wealth will shift hands like a greased pig and what they gloat over, now, will be lost to them, forever.

In this possible future, within 50 years, the majority of Congress will be either Black, Latino, or Asia, because these are the only people having children and they will have no historical connection to the Constitution and as poorly catechized as are today’s American Catholics, so will these leaders be about the Constitution. At that point, America will be just another nation among many. Farther out into the future, there will be a Moslem exodus to the U. S., much as there has been in England, France, and the Netherlands (for we will have forgotten about 9/11). Then will come the time of schism.

The really sad part is that the extremely wealthy have played the poor like a cheap upright piano. The poor, if they understood what were going on, should, rightfully, feel used, but they have been played well and the song sounded sweet. Promise them a little easy candy and they will vote for anybody. They will have their day in the future, but it will be a lonely victory, since they have not the wisdom to do anything with the control they will gain.

Can this situation be turned around? No. Not if trends continue and they will continue because of two factors that every addict knows: 1) one drink is too many and a hundred is never enough and 2) every addict has become an addict by trusting, with his life, the wrong truth. America has become a nation that wants easy guarantees. They want to know that, “once saved, always saved,” so that they can feel free to sin without consequences; they want to know that the government is always there for them, so that they can spend and spend and spend without worrying about tomorrow; they want to know that love means never having to say they are sorry for having that little inconvenient embryo; they want, they want, they want…
America used to be a country born in adversity and that memory defined its concept of freedom. America has been reborn thinking that freedom derives from ease. God has just asked this Country, “What profits a man to gain the world, but lose his soul,” and we had no answer.

Let me be blunt, in large measure, those who voted for Obama, have a misunderstanding of what Faith is. Until that changes, we are lost, since they honestly believe, as any addict does, that somehow voting for a President who supports abortion is a vote made within their version of the Christian Faith. They have believed the wrong version of truth.

Can we change things? Yes, but we must start now. We need a 5 year, a 25 year, and a 50 year plan. The single best thing that can be done is for you young people to get married and have kids, lots of kids (before you are limited to two – the time is coming). Raise your kids up in the Faith, but teach them to know their enemies. You older people – learn every casuistry trick you can and learn to cut through you opponents arguments. You have limited time. Be the sharp end of the spear. Everyone, get rid of sin. No change is possible without virtue.

What stopped the Reign of Terror in France (and we are approaching our own reign of terror, only a more unseen, a more subtle terror)? The death of Robespierre? No. I would suggest that it was the death of sixteen Carmelite nuns – the Martyrs of Compiegne. As they approached the scaffold (I suggest listening to the opera, The Dialogue of the Carmelites, by Poulenc), the normally boisterous crowd became silent. Eerily silent. The nuns climbed the scaffold, one at a time, from youngest to oldest, with the Mother Superior asking to go last. The first nun, Constance Meunier, knelt down before Mother Superior and asked permission to die. Then, she ascended the scaffold, not allowing anyone to touch her, and meekly placed her neck on the chopping block. She was described as looking as radiant as a bride going to her wedding. The crowd was in wonder. Nun after nun went up and nun after nun died. The crowd went away, silent. The Reign of Terror ended ten (?) days later.

When the martyrs were beatified, the Pope pointed out that what had happened at that moment in history was not of mere man. It was a supernatural battle won by sixteen poor women. False faith was overcome by genuine faith. A false mysticism was overcome by genuine mystics.

Be like those nuns. Give yourselves completely to God. It is the only way that America will survive, even though you may not. I have said it before and I will say it again…no worries, all they can do is kill you and what is that to you?

h/t and many thanks to The Masked Chicken--God bless you for stating it so well, and may He grant you and all of us the fortitude to serve here on earth so that we not faint nor fail Our Lord.

The original here.

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